

因为明尼苏达州立学院和大学是公共支持的机构, each college has an obligation to implement regulations that provide accountability for taxpayers’ investment in education and that monitor acceptable 学术 progress of students. All students must meet minimum standards for satisfactory 学术 progress to continue enrollment at 皇冠hg2020app下载. Students bear primary responsibility for monitoring their own 学术 progress and for seeking assistance when experiencing 学术 difficulty. 学生们被鼓励保存他们的成绩和成绩单档案.



I. 定性测量.



II. 定量措施.

要求完成率. 学生必须达到66分.累计注册学分的67%.  更多信息请参阅第8节

information regarding what courses will be included when determining the student’s completion rate percentage.


3.  评估阶段.

所有学生将在每学期结束时接受出勤评估.  如果在一个日历年内提供多个夏季课程, 会议将合并, 进度作为一个学期来评估.


IV. 不符合标准.

A. 学术警告.

  1. 警告状态. If, 在评估期结束时, a student has not met either the cumulative GPA standard or the required cumulative completion percentage standard, then 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 shall allow the student to continue enrollment under a warning status for one evaluation period.
  2. 警告学生复职. If, 在警告期结束时, 学生同时达到累积GPA和累积完成百分比标准, 皇冠hg2020手机app下载应解除该学生的警告状态.

B. 对处于警告状态的学生给予休学处分.

  1. A student on warning who fails to meet the minimum satisfactory 学术 progress requirements in their next term of enrollment will be placed on 悬架, 为期一年, 立即开始.

V. 上诉及缓刑.

  1. 上诉.

被停课的学生有权提出上诉, 基于不寻常的或情有可原的情况.  这些情况包括, 但不限于, 亲属死亡, 疾病, 住院治疗, 或者学生受伤.

学生须提交, 作为他们吸引力的一部分, information as requested regarding why the student failed to make satisfactory progress and what has changed in the student’s situation that would allow the student to demonstrate satisfactory 学术 progress at the end of the next evaluation period.


  1. 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 determines the student should be able to meet SAP standards at the end of the next evaluation period.


  1. 皇冠hg2020手机app下载与学生一起制定学术计划, 如果之后, 应确保学生能够在特定时间点达到SAP标准. 如果学术计划包括GPA和完成百分比的学期标准, they shall be higher than 皇冠hg2020手机app下载’s normal standards to allow the student to improve his/her GPA and/or percent of completion.

上诉的初步审议应由皇冠hg2020手机app下载上诉委员会进行, 谁将审核提交的资料并作出决定.  如果学生对这个决定不满意, 学生可向学生事务及招生管理副校长提出申诉.  Students wishing to appeal must complete the Suspension Appeal form (provided online) and submit supporting documentation.  所有申诉的结果将通过电子邮件发送到学生的皇冠hg2020手机app下载电子邮件帐户.  Notification of approved appeals shall include the standards the student is expected to meet or the 学术 plan that the student is expected to achieve at the end of the next evaluation period.

Exception to an 学术 Appeal submission:  The Registrar may waive the 悬架 appeal for ACADEMICS if it is determined that, 在最后一次出勤期间, the student achieved Recent 学术 Success (RAS) which was above standards and improved their overall standing.  该学生将被转到留校察看,并收到皇冠hg2020app下载礼貌放弃的通知 学术 上诉和缓刑的条款.

B. 试用状态.

申诉成功者,留校察看一个评估期.  在评估期结束时,如果学生

  1. 是否达到皇冠hg2020手机app下载的累积GPA和累积完成率标准, 然后该学生将恢复良好的信誉.
  2. Has not met 皇冠hg2020手机app下载’s cumulative GPA and completion percentage standards but has met the conditions specified in his/her 学术 plan, 然后,学生将在随后的评估期间保持其试用状态.
  3. Has not met 皇冠hg2020手机app下载’s cumulative GPA and completion percentage standards AND has also not met the conditions specified in his/her 学术 plan, 评估结束后,学生应立即被停学.

VI. 申请状态及上诉结果通知.

  1. 状态.

皇冠hg2020手机app下载将在任何时候通过电子邮件通知学生受到警告, 悬架, 或者试用期.  对于每一个动作,以下信息也将提供给学生:

  1. 警告通知:学生将被告知其警告状态的情况.
  2. 休学通知:学生将被告知他们有权上诉.
  3. Probation Notification: The student will be informed of the expected standards that must be met or the 学术 plan that he/she is expected to complete in order to retain 学术 eligibility at the end of the next evaluation period.

B. 上诉.

皇冠hg2020手机app下载将通过官方通信(皇冠hg2020手机app下载电子邮件)通知学生所有上诉的结果. 如果得到批准, the appeal notification shall include a list of standards the student is expected to meet or the 学术 plan the student is expected to complete. 如果上诉被驳回, the notification shall describe the reason(s) for the denial and the process for appealing to the Vice President of Student Affairs.

7.  恢复.

Students may be reinstated when they are meeting 皇冠hg2020手机app下载’s satisfactory 学术 progress qualitative and quantitative standards.  在不寻常或情有可原的情况下, a student may also be reinstated after having successfully appealed or when it is determined that they have met Recent 学术 Success standard

如果上诉不成功, 休学期满后,学生可返回学院.

8. 成绩和学分的处理.

A. 职系的处理.


注册优惠:  The total number of credits for which a student is officially enrolled at the end of the drop/add period each term.  注册学分包括重修课程、发展课程和联合学分.  注册学分不包括转学分或审计.

完成了对. Non-completed学分: (用于计算完成率) 完成的学分包括只有A、B、C、D、S和P的学分.  未修满学分包括F、FN、FW、I、IP、N、NC、W、Z等学分.  未完成的学分将在计算中被视为尝试,但未完成.

级分:按学生获得a、B、C、D或F、FN、FW等字母成绩的课程计算.  I、IP、NC、P、S、W或Z等等级不计算绩点.  (A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F, FN或FW=0.)  Grade point total is the sum of grade points earned as determined by multiplying the grade point value of the grade by the number of course credits.  有关本政策未涉及的历史评分注释的解释,请参阅学术成绩单.

平均绩点 (GPA):学生的总成绩除以学分.  每一份成绩报告都显示了学生本学期的GPA和入学以来的累积GPA.  “P”不包含绩点值,因此不计算在GPA中.  “P”不会提高学生的GPA.  然而,“P”学分计入总注册学分.

不完整的:“I”只在特殊情况下分配,并且是临时等级.  “I”级将自动变为“F”级(如果课程提供及格/无学分), the “I” will automatically become an N/C) at the end of the next term if requirements to complete coursework have not been satisfactorily met.

Non-Reported成绩:  如果讲师没有报告一个字母的分数,那么该课程将被分配为“Z”.  “Z”不包含绩点值,因此不计算在GPA中.  然而,“Z”学分计入总注册学分.

B. 学术特赦(新开始). 当审查学生的 学术 根据这项政策, 学生获得学术特赦的学分(“新开始”) 不会 包括在令人满意的学术进展测量.

C. 审计的课程. 经审核的课程不包括在令人满意的学术进展测量中.

D. 财团学分. 信贷s for which 金融援助 is received under a consortium agreement will be recorded on the student’s record.  These consortium credits 不会 be included in the 学术 Satisfactory 学术 Progress measurements.

E. 补救学分. Remedial/Developmental coursework (courses numbered below 1000) will be included in the GPA and excluded from the completion percentage measurement of the Satisfactory 学术 Progress measurements.

F. 重复的课程. 学生可以为了及格或提高成绩而重修课程.  成绩最好的课程将被纳入满意的学术进展测量.

See 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 Policy: Course Repetition regarding number of times a course may be repeated and the total number of course repetitions allowed.

G. 转移学分. Transfer credits accepted by 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 and applied toward the student’s program requirements 不会 be included in the 学术 Satisfactory 学术 Progress measurements

H. 取款. 获得“W”级的学分被认为是尝试, 但没有顺利修完学分.  The “W” grade does not impact GPA but DOES negatively impact the student’s cumulative completion percentage.


修正:   6/11/98; 6/3/05; 1/23/07; 3/1/2010; 3/28/11 (Revisions made based on system policy changes); 2/28/17; 05/12/2021 (Revisions made based on system policy changes)