

第1部分. 成绩和其他成绩单符号

The following grades and transcript symbols are used to indicate student achievement of course objectives in credit courses. Course completion requires that a student attended a minimum of 60% of the course.

01 A: 完成后的优异成绩 4学分
B: Above average achievement upon completion 3学分
C: 完成后平均成绩 2学分
D: Below average achievement upon completion 1绩点
F: Fail, inadequate achievement upon completion 0绩点
FN: Failure for Non-attendance, student did not commence in course 0绩点
FW: Failure to Withdraw, inadequate achievement, student did not complete course 0绩点
02 P: Pass, D – Level achievement or better upon completion
F: Fail, inadequate achievement upon completion
FN: Failure for Non-attendance, student did not commence in course 0绩点
FW: Failure to Withdraw, inadequate achievement, student did not complete course 0绩点
03 审计 Indicates a course that the student has attended without any obligations to prepare assignments, 需要考试, 或完成其他评估.
04 P Pass: D – Level achievement or better upon completion
NC: No Credit: Circumstances result in inadequate achievement. Not used to compute GPA (Courses numbered below 1000 or courses approved by Administration upon the recommendation of departments)
05 测试

For 01, 02 and 04, the following are also options:

I: Incomplete- Indicates a student was doing satisfactory, completed a significant amount of the course work, but was unable to complete all requirements by the end of the course; and the student and teacher enter into a formal agreement for the completion of the remaining requirements.

W: Withdrawal – Indicates the last day a student may officially terminate enrollment in a full semester course (80% of the days in an academic semester have elapsed.) For courses not on a standard academic semester schedule, the final withdrawal date will be the date on which 80% of the instructional days for the course have elapsed.

Z:   No grade or symbol has been submitted.

第2部分. 程序

部分1. 平均绩点 (GPA) for a student will be computed using only grades A through F.

部分2. 组合:  In courses so approved through Curriculum Council, students may choose the A-F or P/NC option. The P/NC option may include both courses numbered below 1000 and other courses upon the recommendation of departments and approved by Curriculum Council. The P/NC option must be declared by the student within the first ten days of the academic term.

部分3. Z will appear on the transcript if no grade or symbol has been submitted as of the date of printing the grade reports.

部分4. 不完整的 must be initiated by the student and will be approved at the discretion of the instructor and appropriate academic dean. The “Request for an Incomplete Grade” form is available in the Office of the Executive Vice President, 学术事务 and in the 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 E-Forms. 排除情有可原的情况, requests must be completed before the official deadline to withdraw from the course. The instructor must specify the time frame in which the work must be completed, but in no case may it be later than the end of the following semester (excludes summer) at which time an Incomplete grade will automatically change to an “F” if the work has not been completed by the student and/or the grade has not been submitted by the instructor. Extensions of this time may be approved for extenuating circumstances by the Executive Vice President, 学术事务.

部分5.  访客或审核员身份 must be declared by the student within the first 10 days of the academic term.

第六部分. “W”(退出) 通常是学生发起的吗. This action (with the exception of 悬架 或驱逐) should take place not later than the deadline for student-initiated withdrawal and the student should be notified of the action.  然而, under extenuating circumstances approved by the Executive Vice President, 学术事务, the college may grant a student a “W”.

第3部分. Academic Probation, Suspension, and Expulsion 

The College shall establish regulations specifying (1) the reasons for academic probation, 悬架, 或驱逐; (2) the procedures to be followed in suspending or expelling a student, and (3) the procedures the student may use to appeal the probation, 悬架, 或驱逐.

Revisions Adopted: 1/13/03; 3/25/2008; 9/10/13; 11/30/16; 10/24/23